House and garden owners have a variety of options for designing their green oasis. Berry bushes are very popular because they look beautiful and at the same time
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Edible berries
There are many ways to grow berry bushes in your garden. For a better subdivision you will find below the shrubs sorted by the color of their berries.
White/Orange/Green berries
Some specimens for the home garden are white, orange, yellow or green. Below are three types of shrubs that easily thrive in our climes.
Mispel (Mespilus germanica)
- deciduous tree with a crooked trunk
- well-known names are Asperl, German Mispel or Mispelche
- the flowers of the mistletoe are white
- Shrubs flower between May and June
- the fruit is brown and ripens between October and November
- the taste is similar to that of apples and pears
- Used in juice and jam
Sanddorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
- deciduous shrub that can grow up to six meters tall
- Roots several meters wide
- Flowering time between March and May
- Fruits grow between August and December
- pulpy pulp containing essential oils
- originally comes from Nepal, but is now also widespread in Europe
- prefers sandy and calcareous soils
- orange-red berries only found on female shrubs
- Fruits are particularly rich in vitamin C
Stachelbeere (Ribes uva-crispa)
- Gooseberry fruits are white, red, yellow or green
- the typical spines are responsible for the name
- prefer a sunny location and nutrient-rich soil conditions
- fertilizing in the spring and watering in the dry increases the yield
- spherical berry is between one and three centimeters in size
- Fruits ripen between July and August in Central Europe
White Currant (Ribes)
- Currants are among the most popular shrubs with berries in the garden
- Flowering time is between April and May
- Fruits are ripe in European summer
- prefers a sunny location
- Red, black and white varieties available
- partly also occur in nature and in forests
Red berries
The red berry bushes for your own garden are well-known and popular. These are often rich in vitamins and juicy and sweet.
Berberitze (Berberis vulgaris)
- is widespread in Europe and Asia
- has yellow flowers
- blooms between May and June
- the fruits of the barberry are small and reddish
- Fruits edible and up to one centimeter long
- sour and fruity taste of the berries
- suitable for making jam
Eberesche (Sorbus aucuparia)
- comes from the genus of whitebeams
- the fruits look like small apples
- known under the names thrush berry or quince
- orange-red fruits that ripen between August and September
- popular food plant for birds and insects
- blooms between May and June with light yellow flowers
- Taste fruity and slightly bitter
- is only edible when cooked, popular with schnapps and jam
Common wolfberry (Lycium barbarum)
- known as goji berries or Chinese wolfberries
- is used in traditional Chinese medicine
- is now considered a healthy superfood in this country
- was previously thought to be poisonous
- common wolfberry flowers purple between June and September
- Fruits are between 4 and 20 millimeters in size
- Fruits are ripe between August and October
- Hardy shrubs that can withstand temperatures down to -25 degrees Celsius
Großfrüchtige Moosbeere (Vaccinium macrocarpon)
- comes from the genus of blueberries
- is known under the name cranberry
- comes from North America, today also widespread in Germany
- evergreen shrubs with berries growing in the bog
- Cranberries are considered very healthy
- between 10 and 25 millimeters in size
- bright red fruits
Himbeere (Rubus idaeus)
- the raspberry is used in many ways by people
- grows up to two meters tall
- Flowering time between May and August
- Fruits are mostly red, sometimes yellow, black or white
- deciduous pseudoshrub that bears fruit in the second year
- wild raspberries are found in large parts of Europe
- prefers nutrient-rich soil in a sunny location
- sensitive to moisture, as root diseases can develop
Kartoffelrose (Rosa rugosa)
- grows as a deciduous shrub
- grows up to 1.50 meters tall
- other names are apple rose or Kamchatka rose
- comes from East Asia
- blooms pink or white between June and October
- red fruits are edible and have a fruity flavor
- popular in jams or as blossom sugar
Kornelkirsche (Cornus mas)
- other names are dirndl, yellow dogwood or animal tree
- Flowering time between March and April
- widespread in central and southern Europe
- occurs as a large shrub or tree
- yellow flowers in spring
- Fruits are edible, red and oblong
- sour and yet fruity taste of the berries
- popular in the production of jams and confections
Red Elder (Sambucus racemosa)
- in Central Europe there are three different native species
- Shrubs grow up to three meters high, in rare cases even larger
- Five-seeded drupe ripens between July and August
- bright red color of the berries
- Red elder leaves are initially reddish
- occurs in western Asia and Europe
- prefers moist locations with lots of nitrogen
- is insensitive to frost and cold
Weißdorn (Crataegus)
- blooms between May and June
- in Germany there are three different types
- Name comes from white flowers or the light color of the bark
- Hawthorn flowers are white
- Fruit is relatively small and red
- neutral taste
Blue/Black berries
There are also numerous types of berries that are blue and black. Below you will find a selection of copies.
Chokeberry (Aronia)
- Also known as the aronia berry
- deciduous shrubs with pointed and red buds
- Fruits are red or black
- bitter and fruity taste
- popular for healthy juices and jams
- Aronia flowers are white and bright in May
Brombeere (Rubus sect. Rubus)
- the section includes several 1000 species
- Flowering time between May and August
- From a botanical point of view, blue-black fruits are not berries
- the drupes have a thin skin
- Fruits ripen between August and October
- Propagation is by offshoots
- Fruits are relatively sweet and yet sour
- Birds like to feed on the berries of these shrubs
Amelanchier pear
- deciduous shrubs and small trees
- Fruits are small, bluish-black in color
- white flowers appear between April and May
- Fruits are visually similar to blueberries
- the taste of the berries is sweet and aromatic
- widespread in North America and Europe
Bird cherry (Prunus padus)
- other name is marsh cherry
- deciduous shrub or tree that can grow up to 15 meters tall
- Flowering time between April and June
- Shrubs with white flowers
- Drupe is pea-sized and black when ripe
- Birds love the bird cherry and are responsible for spreading it
- tart and bitter taste
Heidelbeere (Vaccinium myrtillus)
- Known under different names: Besinge, blueberry, blackberry, wildberry, wildberry or hayberry
- the berry bushes are small, reaching a height of 60 centimeters
- Flowering time from April to May
- Fruiting season between July and September
Schlehe (Prunus spinosa)
- known as sloe , sour plum, hedge thorn or German acacia
- deciduous shrub with many thorns
- can be up to 40 years old and three meters high
- white flowers appearing between April and May
- dark fruit tastes tart and has a strong aroma
- Berries are popular in jams
Black elder (Sambucus nigra)
- one of the most widespread shrubs with berries in Europe
- Shrub or small tree can grow up to 11 meters tall
- Flowering time between May and June, striking white flowers
- dark fruit that tastes fruity
- Often used in juices and jams
- Toxins present in small amounts