Pond floor: which substrate to use for the garden pond?

The garden pond is a popular project. Water, regardless of whether it is flowing or standing, has a fascination for people, something that is made possible without any problems by having your own pond. In addition to the selection of plants and creatures, not only the shape or the access to the stream, but also the pond…

Swamp sword lily, Iris pseudacorus – care and propagation

The swamp sword lily was once our normal native water lily, which could be admired in almost every pond. Has changed for a long time, ponds have also become rare, which is why there is an almost forgotten natural beauty to be rediscovered today, which likes to grow in the garden and not only at the…

Fight thread algae, algae in the garden pond

Especially when a garden pond looks like something needs to be done against the algae, the algae seem to form and multiply out of nowhere. Especially the thread algae, they are not called that without reason, but they form beautiful, long threads that gently sway through the pond and “ensnare” other plants, roots and sometimes even…

Keeping Shubunkin in the garden pond – care and reproduction

The Shubunkin trumps its conspecifics, the popular goldfish, in terms of color and the size of its caudal fins. Since the Japanese ornamental fish can reach a length of up to 30 cm, it is ideally suited for a water world that is too small for the majestic Koi. In addition, the beautifully drawn fish is undemanding…

Cattails, Typha in the pond – planting, care and propagation

They can be found on almost every bank and offer numerous other plant and animal species a protected habitat, we are talking about cattails (Typha). There is hardly a lake in the park or a bank on a water course on which the characteristic cylindrical inflorescences from the cattail family cannot be recognized from a distance. The…

Build a koi pond yourself – pond construction instructions

Koi carp are considered lucky charms, and they are trusting, friendly fish that should really develop a kind of relationship with “your people”. For some years now, the beautiful fish have been gaining more and more fans here in Germany, which is why there are pond building instructions on how you can build your own koi…

Water lilies, pond roses – planting, care and wintering

The biodiversity is varied, as is the color of the flowers, which bloom either white, yellow or in different shades of pink. The floating leaves of the water lilies are also very nice to look at, which, like the flowers, can reach a considerable size and are dark green in color. The tropical and strongly scented water…

Goldfish in the garden pond – keeping & overwintering

Goldfish in the garden pond – keeping & overwintering

The goldfish is a freshwater fish. It comes from the carp family (Cyprinidae) and is available in many cultivated forms. Goldfish were developed in China around a thousand years ago, making them the oldest domestic animals known. The peculiarities of the goldfish Small and large goldfish populate aquariums and garden ponds. Everyone knows the typical image of a…