Already 100,000 years ago people recognized the good nutritional value of grain. It was already cultivated in the Middle East 8,000 years ago. Only about 3,000 years later did the agricultural cultivation of grain also find its way into Western Europe. America and…
Category: Vegetable garden & vegetables
Growing your own vegetables is more rewarding than ever. It doesn’t matter whether you only grow vegetables in a tub, in a raised bed, whether you have a vegetable bed or even a small vegetable garden, it’s worth it. However, you should…
Sowing spinach is not rocket science. Since spinach can be sown from February to early October, one of the basics is making sure you choose the right variety for when. sow spinach When sowing spinach, bot. Spinacia oleracea, also called garden or…
With composting you save on waste fees and at the same time get a high-quality fertilizer. Not every food can go on the compost heap. The following article answers the question of whether you can compost potato peelings. The potato skins Potato…
With the arrival of winter, the harvest time for your own vegetables does not have to end. Fortunately, the list of varieties that survive the cold season in the bed or in storage unscathed is long. Leafy vegetables Endivie – Cichorium…
Pumpkins are in season in autumn, and not just at Halloween. There are now many different types. Pumpkin is not only edible baked, stewed or boiled. You can also eat some pumpkins raw. Edible pumpkins can be eaten raw Pumpkins contain the bitter…
Hokkaido pumpkins are very popular. But what if the Hokkaido has green spots. Is the pumpkin unripe, poisonous or is everything not so bad and the vegetables are still edible? Green spots on the shell If an actually ripe, orange Hokkaido (Cucurbita…
If you think that lettuce does not grow in winter, you are wrong. Even if the weather gets worse and the temperatures drop below 0 degrees Celsius, there are types of lettuce that can tolerate temperatures as low as -15 degrees…
Paprika has long made its way into gardens. Its cultivation is quite simple. It can be cultivated in the greenhouse as well as outdoors. But sometimes the peppers do not turn red. Possible causes The culture of peppers (Capsicum) in the garden is…
Hardly any crop survives the winter when the ground freezes completely. Or does it? What influence do sub-zero temperatures have on growing vegetables, especially potatoes, when temperatures fall just below 0°C? This guide explains in 9 facts how much frost potatoes can take….