Olive trees and the houseplant Monstera in particular are attacked by the fungi that trigger eye spot disease. The disease needs to be treated, because not only does it not look pretty visually, but the whole plant suffers from it. Recognize…
Category: Plant diseases
In fine weather with the subsequent formation of dew, oak leaves sometimes get white spots on the upper side. This is oak powdery mildew, which can be combated with household remedies. oak powdery mildew Powdery mildew on oak trees, also known as…
Pear trees are delicate. If something is wrong with their living conditions, diseases and pests spread. Some of them leave black spots on the pear, both on the leaf and on the fruit. Nobody wants to put up with that for long. Possible…
A rainy summer puts experienced hobby gardeners on the alert. They know about the botanical sword of Damocles that now hovers over their lovingly tended tomatoes and potatoes. The fungal disease Phytophthora infestans is spreading explosively in the face of warm, humid…
In warm, humid weather, the risk of infection is particularly high. That doesn’t mean plants are safe from fungus and bacteria in cool, dry weather. Basically, the hobby gardener must never let up in his vigilance, because plant diseases are always lurking…
Where shotgun disease strikes, it puts hobby gardeners on high alert. And rightly so, because the Stigmina carpophilum fungus is characterized by such tenacity that it even overwinters. Its prey pattern ranges from stone fruit of all kinds to ornamental trees such…
Diseases should be identified and combated as early as possible so that the tasty vegetables are not damaged before they are harvested. Unfortunately, there are some cucumber diseases that can kill the plant and minimize a harvest. Some could be avoided, others…
Pear rust can quickly make a pear tree look pretty sick because it causes conspicuous spots on the leaves. Here you will learn how to recognize pear rust and when and how it is necessary to combat it. Pear rust –…
The Monilia peak drought is caused by the fungal pathogen Monilia laxa, whose spores first infect the flowers and then penetrate the young shoots. Initially, this disease primarily affected stone fruit, in particular cherries, plums, apricots and peaches, but ornamental plants…
Gray-white spots, brown discoloration or fungus-like deposits – the facets of powdery mildew and downy mildew are diverse. Every hobby gardener who discovers this disease in his plants knows that the plant needs immediate treatment. In order to get the symptoms under…