Marigold (tagetes) – sowing & care

They are decorative, easy to care for and almost indestructible: the marigold. These advantages alone make the small daisy family popular plants for beds and balconies. The marigold, as the marigold is also called, has even more to offer and is extremely useful. Ideal location for the marigold The marigold comes from the rather dry and warm…

Two-tooth, Bidens ferulifolia, Goldmarie – care

The two-toothed is a very willing to bloom yellow daisy family, which is particularly popular in balcony boxes and planters. The easy-care perennial bloomer shines with flowers from early summer until well into autumn. The golden-yellow filigree flower heads are strongly reminiscent of those of daisies or cosmeuse. They grow to be one to three centimeters. There are also…

Poppies, corn poppies – sowing, planting and care

The distinctive flowers stand out as a splash of red color on fields and meadows as well as on the edge of a field path or a road. – The poppy, which belongs to the poppy family, is also becoming increasingly popular in domestic gardens. The eye-catching plant reaches a size of up to 80cm and has…

Blue fan flower, Scaevola aemula – care and wintering

The blue fan flower originally comes from Australia and Tasmania, where it grows in open and dry sandy and clay soils. There it is evergreen and perennial. In Europe it hasn’t been known or available for that long. It was probably not introduced until 1989. Unfortunately it is not hardy at all. The blue fan flower is very dominant. It won’t…

Pool water for watering: does chlorinated water harm my plants?

Clear and pure, water is the elixir of life for all plants in ornamental and kitchen gardens. Chlorinated pool water also has the status of harmless purity. This cleanliness is of course thanks to chemical disinfection. When changing the water in the swimming pool or backwashing the filter, the question arises in the home garden as to whether…

Scabioses, Scabiosa – types and care

The scabioses are protected in some regions of Germany. Of the approximately 100 species, around 20 occur in Europe, such as the scented or velvety scabious. Depending on the species, their flowers appear from June to October. They appear in different shades, from white and pink to scarlet and crimson to light violet or blue. The growth heights that…

Bornholmer Marguerite, Dimorphotheca ecklonis – sowing and care

The Bornholm marguerite is also known as the cape marguerite. These brightly colored composites are popular summer planting for window boxes and pots. But they also cut a fine figure outdoors, in front of green hedges or in the front part of the storage bed. She needs a little care for a long and abundant flowering period. If you…

Sun eye, heliopsis – varieties and care of the permanent bloomer

The genus Heliopsis belongs to the sunflower family and comprises around 12 species that are originally native to Mexico, but are now found in many parts of North and South America. Due to the strong yellow color of the flowers with the somewhat darker stamens, the herbaceous, mostly perennial plant has been given the colloquial name…

Shrub marguerite, Argyranthemum frutescens – care tips

The shrub marguerite is a flower dream come true with the exotic charm of the Canary Islands. Where the flowering shrub stands out in the tub and bed, other summer flowers find it difficult to match this floral spectacle. White, pink or bright yellow cup-shaped flowers thrive on the richly branched shoots so numerous that they almost…