Purslane florets – sowing, caring for and wintering

The purslane is a member of the purslane family. This annual, non-perennial summer flower unfolds its full splendor during the flowering period from June to August. However, it can only be admired in sunny weather, because the purslane florets open their colorful, bowl-shaped flowers only when the sun is shining. Appearance and stature The shiny flowers of…

Coneflower, Rudbeckia – planting, care, cutting and propagation

The plant is a true sun worshiper. During the flowering period from July to September, when exposed to sunlight, the golden-yellow ray flowers around the dark brown center unfold their full splendor and look amazingly like a real sun hat. Since the different species grow between 30 cm and 300 cm in height, these herbaceous plants leave…

Forget-me-not (plant) – care and flowering period

The forget-me-not (Myosotis) belongs to the predatory or borage family and is a perennial and undemanding spring bloomer. This plant is now also available with bright white and pink, mostly five-petalled flowers. These can grow in the form of grapes or clusters. Mixed-colored varieties are sometimes also offered in stores. Growth of the plant This original forest plant…

Wonder flower – sowing, care and wintering

The origin of the name miracle flower probably comes from the fact that it can have flowers of different colors at the same time. With brightly colored yellow, pink, red, white or often two-tone flowers, the miracle flower provides a colorful play of colors throughout summer and into autumn. At the tips of the shoots, the inflorescences…

Indian flower tube, canna – planting, care and propagation

The Indian flower tube, Canna indica, blooms in summer and autumn from around July to October. The plant reaches a diameter of approx. 50 and a height of approx. 150 centimeters. As a permanent bloomer, it enriches its surroundings for almost the entire gardening season with the lush colors of its large and either blue or yellow…

Snapdragons, Snapdragons – sowing, care & cutting

Snapdragons, Snapdragons – sowing, care & cutting

Snapdragons have been an integral part of the garden at home for several centuries. Hardly surprising, because the robust plants often bloom well into the winter months, have no special requirements and sow themselves in the right location by themselves. But even those who do not have their own garden do not have to do without the…