Oak processionary moth spotted: what to do?

Oak processionary moths are inconspicuous moths. The caterpillars usually only become dangerous for oaks if they are infested for several years in a row. However, humans should not take the animals lightly. Recognize oak processionary moths The adult butterflies of the oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea) are quite inconspicuous and can be recognized by the following features: rather inconspicuous…

Identify wasps with long hind legs

Among the numerous species of wasps, those with long hind legs are particularly noticeable. Our overview makes it easier to identify these wasp species. identify wasp species If a wasp with long hind legs is discovered, it is very likely a field or spider wasp. The best-known specimens that have these elongated extremities are described in more…

Identify butterfly caterpillars: 20 native species

Butterflies, beautifully colored or simply inconspicuously colored, many of them are native to Germany. Determining them is not particularly difficult. However, correctly recognizing the associated butterfly caterpillars is more likely. Characteristics of all butterfly caterpillars The larvae of butterflies and some other insects are called caterpillars. They usually live hidden on a wide variety of plants that serve…

Determine May beetle larva: picture with grub

Cockchafer larvae are among the garden pests. However, since there are also beneficial insects among the scarab beetle larvae, you should identify the larvae before you initiate countermeasures. Maikäfer (Melolontha) The genus Melolontha belongs to the family of scarab beetles (Scarabaeidae). In Central Europe, the cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha) is the most common species. The cockchafer (Melonlontha hippocastani)…

8 natural enemies of squirrels with pictures

Stopping and watching a squirrel as it leaps from branch to branch, nimbly scales a tree trunk, or scurries across the road is typical human behavior. Not so long ago, it was rare to see the little rodents. The population now seems to have increased. Or is it because, with the expansion of residential areas and road networks,…

Prepare garlic broth against aphids: recipe

Garlic broth is a popular home remedy for aphids in the garden. Because it is effective and purely biological. The article explains how the brew is ideally prepared, what the recipe looks like and when the home remedy can be used. Ingredients needed 1 liter of water 75 g fresh garlic Tip: Ideally, you should put on gloves…

Fight flea beetles: 5 helpful home remedies

Fleas can be dangerous to plants and humans under certain circumstances. If you have them in your garden, you should fight them immediately with home remedies and prevent them intelligently for the future. useful information The flea beetle (Psylliodes) is not actually a flea, but a flea beetle from the leaf beetle family. Its name derives from…

Tick ​​time: when is the tick season 2021?

Ticks transmit diseases – to humans and pets! First of all Lyme disease, which can cause life-threatening organ damage. Since there is no vaccination as yet, caution is advised in the 2021 tick season. Tick ​​season 2021 Ticks like warm temperatures. The warmer the days are, the more actively these small arachnids hunt for prey. In Germany, the period…