Lemon balm cultivation: care, overwintering & proper drying.

Lemon balm cultivation: care, overwintering & proper drying.

Lemon balm is particularly suitable for seasoning cold drinks, salads and sauces. The leaves are not cooked, they are always added fresh. You can also make tea and wine from lemon balm. Lemon balm is best harvested before flowering. Melissa tea is said to have a calming and digestive effect. The fresh leaves are used….

Lilac – care and pruning of the lilac bush

Lilac – care and pruning of the lilac bush

The lilacs are popular mainly because of their flowers. These not only look great, they also spread a bewitching scent. The flowering time is mostly in May. Some varieties bloom a little earlier, some a little later. The flower colors range from bright white, through light yellow and light purple, to dark purple and purple-red. There are now also two-tone…

Bromeliads – care, propagation and tips for bromelia

Bromeliads – care, propagation and tips for bromelia

Bromeliads are quite common in stores. They can be purchased all year round. The most popular are specimens with bright colors and showy flowers. Bromeliads often have a very different appearance, although they belong to one genus. They differ in size and shape. They take root on branches, tree trunks and rocks. Terrestrial specimens take root in soil. Some bromeliads can handle…

Lemon tree – care, pruning, wintering and diseases

Lemon tree – care, pruning, wintering and diseases

There are lemon bushes, tall trunks and trellis plants. Citrus plants bloom up to three times a year in the optimal location. It is particularly great that flowers and almost ripe fruits hang on the plant at the same time. The only flowers that are not fragrant are those of the bitter lemon. The lemon tree is actually easy…

Olive tree – care instructions, pruning and wintering

Olive tree – care instructions, pruning and wintering

Most plant lovers from the Mediterranean region know olive trees. There the trees grow and thrive in large numbers and without any problems. The numerous fruits ripen in this warm, sunny climate. With us in Central Europe this is more difficult, but definitely possible. As a rule, we cultivate olive trees in pots or tubs. There are also specimens…

Fighting aphids – ways and means against lice

Aphids prick the plant’s pathways and suck out the nutrient-rich sap. The plant is weakened and is therefore more susceptible to disease. In addition, aphids can transmit viral diseases to plants with their saliva. They usually appear suddenly and epidemic-like. They often disappear quickly. Sometimes, however, they spread and keep growing. Then good advice is expensive. So what to do Causes and…

Rhododendron – care, cutting, diseases, wintering

Rhododendron – care, cutting, diseases, wintering

The rhododendrons also offer the gardener plenty of choice, the entire genus comprises around 1,000 species, including the azaleas. They are simply a type of rhododendrons that got their own name mainly because they have a particularly compact growth and particularly fine flowers. Of course, the rhododendrons only show these blossoms in optimal quantities when…

Laying out lawns – sowing properly – lawns in spring and autumn

Laying out lawns – sowing properly – lawns in spring and autumn

If you want to create a lawn, you have to pay attention to a few things in order for the project to succeed. Although creating a lawn is not difficult, the result can still be very different. So the right time is very important, but so is the selection of lawn seeds. There are different varieties and…

Banana plant – care of the banana, overwintering and fertilizing

Banana plant – care of the banana, overwintering and fertilizing

In the Central European climate, banana plants are mostly cultivated as pots or pots, although there are more and more planted specimens. Both variants are possible if you do not live in areas with long, particularly cold winters. Banana plants can get very tall, which is often a problem. They often reach the ceiling quickly and…

Fighting ants – tips against ants in the house and garden

Fighting ants – tips against ants in the house and garden

Ants are interesting and hardworking insects. Everyone loves the forest and is fun to watch. On the other hand, they are unpopular in the garden. Nobody wants them. There are a number of reasons for this. On the one hand, ants “breed” aphids, they love their excretions, the so-called honeydew. It is the ants’ main source of carbohydrates. On the other hand,…