Snowflake Bush, Chionanthus virginicus – Care Tips

White flowers, like freshly fallen snowflakes, are just one of its stylish attributes. The snowflake bush knows how to draw attention to itself with its distinctively shaped leaves, a broad, bushy habit and bright autumn colors. As a bushy shrub, it captures the viewer’s wandering gaze just as effectively as it does as a small tree. With a…

Star magnolia, Magnolia stellata – planting and care

In contrast to its big sisters, the tulip magnolias, whose great flowers often freeze to death in April due to late frosts, the star magnolia reacts much more skilfully. If it’s still too cold, the flowers won’t even open. Only when the frost penetrates the open flowers will they freeze to death and turn brown. However, that…

Flannel shrub, flannel bush, fremontodendron – care

Previously treated as an insider tip among connoisseurs, the Californian flannel shrub conquers the hearts of enthusiastic hobby gardeners with its summer blooms. In a pot on the balcony or planted out in the conservatory, the flannel shrub trumps from May with large, golden-yellow flowers above the fluffy, hairy, evergreen foliage. Well into the summer, new buds…

Australian Tea Tree, Melaleuca alternifolia – care

The Australian tea tree is known for its tea tree oil, which has many uses from antimicrobial to gum healing. However, its decorative properties are much less well known. Melaleuca alternifolia can be cultivated very well here, even if only as a container plant and not in the garden. Buy or grow? Whether you will be…

Evergreen trees for the garden

When flowers and perennials have faded in winter, evergreen trees are among the structural elements in the home garden. But even during the summer months, pine, boxwood and co. are real eye-catchers; between the clusters of colorful flowers, the evergreen plants provide a green pool of tranquility within the gardens. As classic conifers, species such as pine and…

How to fell a tree – instructions and permits

For enthusiastic hobby gardeners, their own garden is their pride and joy. Here they are in charge, deciding on the design, which flowers, plants and growths belong in it and which do not. However, this right of determination in your own garden does not apply all-encompassing, because there is one exception. All trees are under special protection, which…

Japanese Aralia, Aralia elata – planting and care

Japanese aralia spread exotic flair in every garden. Not only do they fit into Asian gardens, but they do well in general. They impress with their flowers, their unusual foliage, the berries, the bizarre growth (bush shape) and the prickly trunk. The wood offers an attractive eye-catcher all year round. The Japanese Aralia works best in atrium gardens and…

What are flat rooters? – Examples of trees and hedges

The beautiful tree in the front yard can become the very annoying tree in the front yard when its roots set about making knotwork out of the pipes underground. If you want to be sure that the tree and hedge leave the underground cables alone, you should plant flat-rooted plants. But real shallow roots – as you…

Blood Plum – Planting, Care & Pruning

The blood plum was created by crossing the cherry plum with a related species. The tree or bush does not grow very large and can be kept in good shape with targeted pruning measures. The blood plum looks particularly beautiful in contrast to green-leaved trees and shrubs. Trees that can reach a height of 8 meters also do…